
See? Do you see what a bad, bad blogger I am? I have such a hard time remembering to blog. When I finally sit down long enough with nothing in particular to do it's late at night, I pretty much have no coherent thoughts in my brain. Enter "neglected blog" stage left.

Yah, that has to stop. :p So, the blog has made onto my list. Before I go any further, just let me say that there is something I seem to inherently abhor about lists. Scott insists it has something to do with my mother and her love affair with lists...whatever. He's a man, what does he know, right? (Ok, he probably is right to some degree, but I'm never telling him that!) Now that we've established how I dislike lists, imagine my dismay to have discovered that I actually kind of need them! My lists don't come in the traditional handwritten-on-paper form, but I certainly have started to keep them digitally. My daily to-do list has come to find a home within Outlook. I realized I could set "appointments" for the things I need to do daily, but that often are forgotten by my slightly addled brain--and these appointments come along with reminders!!

With each day that passes, I come to love my lists more and more, and they're growing to reflect that. More things that I forget to do are being added to this never-ending digital list, with reminders set up to reoccur on a regular basis (this is so I don't forget to re-add things to my list that I don't want to forget *tee hee*).  And now blogging is on my list, because apparently I need a naggy little reminder popping up on my computer monitor in order to get it done.

So here I am, the list-hater who's becoming a slave to lists. My friend Christine is a list-maker...or so one would assume considering her blog is called Fabulous Adventures of Listgirl. I bet my friend Laurie makes lists...she has to, she's one of the most organized people I know! Scott makes lists....without them his work day would be chaos. Maybe I'm just late to the list party, and maybe--just maybe--lists really aren't all that bad. Now forget that I ever said that! ;)


September 21, 2008 at 5:03 PM listgirl said...

I love that you're blogging again! I've missed your blog. Welcome to the world of lists! I use MS Outlook too, to put to-do's into the actual appt calendar so that the reminders come up. That way I never have to remember anything. I hate having to remember stuff, it just seems easier to keep them in a written or electronic list.