Christmas is Over & I'm Glad.

We did our last Christmas celebration on the 3rd of January and I'm happy to put the holidays behind me. I love the idea of Christmas. The reality is a whole different story. I know...that's a scrooge-ish thing to say, but it's the truth. Maybe it's because Halloween is such a big deal around here, and just about the time I feel recovered from that we're rolling into Thanksgiving. And well, let's face it....with the kind of 'official kick-off' of Christmas-prep activities of the day after Thanksgiving, there's no reprieve. With each year that passes October, November and December seem to move further into the classification of months I just try to survive.

Because of the rush I end up from October thru December I have looked at cutting something out, but the only thing I could cut out is our Halloween party. I refuse to do that. Out of all of the events, that's the only one we do 100% for us. We don't do it because we have the most space (like Christmas and Thanksgiving) or because it's convention. We do it because we love Halloween. Nope...not giving that one up. ;)  I'd rather pack my schedule a little tighter and have that to look forward to every year.

That said, January and February (months that I used to hate for their long nights and slow, boring tempo when I was young) are a welcome sight to me this year. I'm looking forward to slipping back into my regular routines like a comfortable pair of jeans. Like those old favorite jeans, my routine isn't glamorous or exciting but when I get out of them I realize how much I miss them. :)